A fun example of Haskell's newtype
Haskell's newtype keyword allows you to hide an existing type behind a new type definition. in working with them I though of a neat example that would help illustrate how they work:
We're declaring two "new types" one named Fahrenheit and the other named Celsius, both are really just Floats. Then we declare two conversion functions, far2cel and cel2far, to handle marshaling a Fahrenheit temperature to a Celsius. We are using the *, -, and + operators from the Num class and the / operator from Fractional, by declaring our Fahrenheit and Celsius newtypes to derive from Fractional and from Num in conjunction with the -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving GHC option. Neat
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
newtype Fahrenheit = Fahrenheit Float
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Num, Fractional)
newtype Celsius = Celsius Float
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Num, Fractional)
far2cel :: Fahrenheit -> Celsius
far2cel (Fahrenheit far) = Celsius $ (5 / 9) * (far - 32)
cel2far :: Celsius -> Fahrenheit
cel2far (Celsius cel) = Fahrenheit $ (cel * (9 / 5)) + 32
You don't really make use of the deriving Num, Fractional because you apply the operators on cel and far, which have type Float, not Fahrenheit or Celsius.
thu, at 11:40 AM
The really nice thing about this is, the compiler will now complain with a type error if you accidentally mix your units!
Brent, at 2:42 PM
Brent got it right, the point about this is safety. Mix match is impossible ans still the solution isn't heavy.
In Java, to be safe you would need to create a class for Celsius, another for Farenheit, etc...
Unknown, at 2:12 AM
Note, though, that the Num instance for Farhrenheit requires that when you want to multiply or divide stuff, you have to put in Fahrenheit and get Fahrenheit. For example:
> (medianTemp - minTemp) / (maxTemp - minTemp)
will have type Fahrenheit as well, although it is actually a unitless fraction.
There are packages for better handling of physical units, though.
nomeata, at 9:25 AM
I have to deal with things like this in my day-to-day programming, and I generally find it easier to use an abstract data type, with a common internal format:
> module Temp (
> Temp, degC, degF,
> ) where
> newtype Temp = DegC Double deriving(Eq, Num, Show)
> degC, degF :: Double -> Temp
> degC = DegC
> degF n = DegC $ (5/9)*(n-32)
Note that the module does not export the data constructor for temp; you must use the degC and degF functions to create values of this type, which forces the programmer to explicitly say what type his units are when using constants:
> degF 55 - degC 8
If you use -XPostfixOperators, you can even use these in postfix format, though I'm not sure it's any less clunky:
> (55 `degF`) - (8 `degC`)
Anonymous, at 8:14 AM
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